NAV Navbar
  • Editorial dashboard
  • Multimedia
  • Homepage optimization
  • API
  • Other
  • Editorial dashboard

    The document contains guides on setting up tracking for General project.

    If you would like to migrate from the previous version, please contact your manager beforehand.

    Add tracking code

    To load tracker, add a version of the following code as close as possible to the opening <head> tag on all pages, including:

    1. Home page
    2. Category pages
    3. Article pages
    4. All other pages of mobile website
    5. All other pages of desktop website

    Đ•nsure the script <script async src="{id}"></script> is presented only one time on each page.

    Configuration fields

    For values to be compatible with JavaScript object syntax, you need to replace " with &quot;, and remove line break characters from them.

    • page_ fields are intended to be used on all pages
    • article_ fields are intended to be used only on pages with articles
    Name Type Description
    page_url String URL that is displayed in a browser window. Including URL parameters.
    page_url_canonical String Canonical URL of a page. Without utm_source or any other query parameters. Used to combine pages that may be available through multiple URLs into one entity.
    page_title String Title that you prefer to see in a dashboard.
    page_type String Use main value for the home page, an initial page of a website. Use article for pages with articles. Use default for all other pages.
    page_language String Two latter language code of a page according to ISO 639-1 (e.g. en, ru).
    user_status String Status of a user.
    country String User's country.
    city String User's city.
    tags Array List of tags for a specific page.
    article_authors Array List of authors for a specific article.
    article_categories Array List of categories for a specific article.
    article_subcategories Array List of subcategories for a specific article.
    article_type String Type of a specific article. Used to filter articles. Can hold arbitrary values.
    article_word_count String Number of words in a specific article.
    article_publication_date String Publication date of an article according to RFC-822 Date and Time Specification with the exception that the year should be expressed as four digits.

    Publication date examples

    Variant Description
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 13:00:00 GMT In UTC
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 08:00:00 EST With a local timezone
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 15:00:00 +0200 With a local offset to UTC

    Tracking code examples

    Example for an article page. You need to replace values of the configuration object with information about your page

    <script async src="{id}"></script>
        window._io_config = window._io_config || {};
        window._io_config["0.2.0"] = window._io_config["0.2.0"] || [];
            page_url: "",
            page_url_canonical: "",
            page_title: "My page title",
            page_type: "article",
            page_language: "en",
            user_status: "My user status",
            tags: ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"],
            article_authors: ["John Appleseed", "Marie Curie"],
            article_categories: ["Category 1", "Category 2"],
            article_subcategories: ["Subcategory 1", "Subcategory 2"],
            article_type: "longread",
            article_word_count: "101",
            article_publication_date: "Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:39:12 GMT"

    Example for a non-article page

    <script async src="{id}"></script>
        window._io_config = window._io_config || {};
        window._io_config["0.2.0"] = window._io_config["0.2.0"] || [];
            page_url: "",
            page_url_canonical: "",
            page_title: "My page title",
            page_type: "default",
            page_language: "en",
            user_status: "My user status",
            tags: ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"]

    Example for the home page

    <script async src="{id}"></script>
        window._io_config = window._io_config || {};
        window._io_config["0.2.0"] = window._io_config["0.2.0"] || [];
            page_url: "",
            page_url_canonical: "",
            page_title: "My page title",
            page_type: "main",
            page_language: "en",
            user_status: "My user status",
            tags: ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"]

    Mark up article containers

    To track scroll depth of articles, surround them with a block that has the data-io-article-url attribute which value matches with URL from browser's location bar (same as a value of window.location.href).


    <div data-io-article-url="">
        <!-- body of an article goes here  -->


    If you want to track data from Google AMP pages, you need to insert additional HTML code into your website.

    1. Add canonical URL

    Make sure link rel="canonical" tag is added into <head> tag and contains different values in href on every page.

    1. Canonical URL example

    <link rel="canonical" href="">

    2. Enable AMP analytics

    Include analytics framework by adding <script> tag into <head> tag of your website pages.

    2. AMP analytics code example

    <script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>

    3. Add tracking code

    Add tracking code into <body> tag of on an every article page.

    3. Default tracking code

        <script type="application/json">
                "requests": {
                    "pageview": "[]={app_id}:pageviews[user_id:${clientId(_io_un)},author:${article_authors},referrer_uri:${documentReferrer},url:${canonicalPath},domain:${canonicalHostname},user_agent:${userAgent},page:${page_title},platform:amp,language:${page_language},category:${article_categories},type_article:${article_type},word_count:${article_word_count},pub_date:${article_publication_date},page_type:${page_type},session_id:${pageViewId64}]",
                    "read_top": "[]={app_id}:read_top[user_id:${clientId(_io_un)},author:${article_authors},referrer_uri:${documentReferrer},url:${canonicalPath},domain:${canonicalHostname},user_agent:${userAgent},page:${page_title},platform:amp,language:${page_language},category:${article_categories},type_article:${article_type},word_count:${article_word_count},pub_date:${article_publication_date},page_type:${page_type},session_id:${pageViewId64}]",
                    "read_middle": "[]={app_id}:read_middle[user_id:${clientId(_io_un)},author:${article_authors},referrer_uri:${documentReferrer},url:${canonicalPath},domain:${canonicalHostname},user_agent:${userAgent},page:${page_title},platform:amp,language:${page_language},category:${article_categories},type_article:${article_type},word_count:${article_word_count},pub_date:${article_publication_date},page_type:${page_type},session_id:${pageViewId64}]",
                    "read_bottom": "[]={app_id}:read_bottom[user_id:${clientId(_io_un)},author:${article_authors},referrer_uri:${documentReferrer},url:${canonicalPath},domain:${canonicalHostname},user_agent:${userAgent},page:${page_title},platform:amp,language:${page_language},category:${article_categories},type_article:${article_type},word_count:${article_word_count},pub_date:${article_publication_date},page_type:${page_type},session_id:${pageViewId64}]",
                    "read_finished": "[]={app_id}:read_finished[user_id:${clientId(_io_un)},author:${article_authors},referrer_uri:${documentReferrer},url:${canonicalPath},domain:${canonicalHostname},user_agent:${userAgent},page:${page_title},platform:amp,language:${page_language},category:${article_categories},type_article:${article_type},word_count:${article_word_count},pub_date:${article_publication_date},page_type:${page_type},session_id:${pageViewId64}]",
                    "time": "[]={app_id}:time[platform:amp,url:${canonicalPath}]"
                "vars": {
                    "page_title": "${title}",
                    "page_type": "article",
                    "page_language": "",
                    "article_authors": "",
                    "article_categories": "",
                    "article_type": "",
                    "article_word_count": "",
                    "article_publication_date": ""
                "triggers": {
                    "trackPageview": {
                        "on": "visible",
                        "request": "pageview"
                    "trackReadTop" : {
                        "on" : "scroll",
                        "scrollSpec": {
                            "verticalBoundaries": [25]
                        "request": "read_top"
                    "trackReadMiddle" : {
                        "on" : "scroll",
                        "scrollSpec": {
                            "verticalBoundaries": [50]
                        "request": "read_middle"
                    "trackReadBottom" : {
                        "on" : "scroll",
                        "scrollSpec": {
                            "verticalBoundaries": [75]
                        "request": "read_bottom"
                    "trackReadFinished" : {
                        "on" : "scroll",
                        "scrollSpec": {
                            "verticalBoundaries": [90]
                        "request": "read_finished"
                    "pageTimer": {
                        "on": "timer",
                        "timerSpec": {
                            "interval": 10
                        "request": "time"
                "transport": {
                    "beacon": false,
                    "xhrpost": false,
                    "image": true


    If you want to track some specific data instead of the default one, you can customize values inside vars block using server-side scripts.

    Variables description

    Use | symbol as a separator for multiple values in article_author and article_categories.

    • page_ fields are intended to be used on all pages
    • article_ fields are intended to be used on pages with articles
    Name Description
    page_title Title that you prefer to see in a dashboard.
    page_type Use article for pages with articles. Use default for all other pages.
    page_language Two latter language code of a page according to ISO 639-1 (e.g., en, ru).
    article_authors List of authors for a specific article.
    article_categories List of categories for a specific article.
    article_type Type of a specific article. Used to filter articles.
    article_word_count Number of words in a specific article.
    article_publication_date Publication date of an article according to RFC-822 Date and Time Specification with the exception that the year should be expressed as four digits.

    Publication date examples

    Variant Description
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 13:00:00 GMT In UTC
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 08:00:00 EST With a local timezone
    Fri, 23 Feb 2018 15:00:00 +0200 With a local offset to UTC

    Example of a variables block

    "vars": {
        "page_title": "${title}",
        "page_type": "article",
        "page_language": "en",
        "article_authors": "John Appleseed|Marie Curie",
        "article_categories": "Category 1|Category 2",
        "article_type": "longread",
        "article_word_count": "101",
        "article_publication_date": "Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:39:12 GMT"

    Facebook Instant Articles

    To track data from Instant Articles pages add HTML block into pages you provide to Facebook using RSS feed.

    Add block

    <figure class="op-tracker">
            <script async src="{id}"></script>

    Yandex Turbo

    To track data from Yandex Turbo pages add the code to your RSS feed

    Add code

    <turbo:analytics type="custom" url="[]={app_id}:pageviews[platform:yxturbo_pixel,href:{originalURL},page:{pageTitle},referrer_uri:{referrer},user_id:{clientId},session_id:{requestId}]&#x26;{random}"></turbo:analytics>



    To indicate which HTML5 videos you want to track, add data-io-video-title attribute on video tags. Value of the attribute would be used as title for currently playing video.

    Videos embedded using YouTube and Vimeo will be tracked automatically.

    Example of a video tag with an attribute to specify title

    <video data-io-video-title="My video title" src="/video-1"></video>


    Firstly, you need to enable Browser API. To do it you need to have an additional script tag before the one that loads code from

    • The value of window.ioObject host property could be customized in case is already in use by some other library.
    • window[window.ioObject] object would be updated once main library code loaded.

    Enable Browser API

    <!-- Additional script tag to enable API, added before the main CDN code -->
    <!-- An existing script tag used for general tracking -->
    <script async src="{id}"></script>

    Add configuration

    You need to define configuration of the gallery placed in the current page. url field should contains canonical url for the article page where gallery is presented.

    You need to add all the slides presented in the gallery.

    Configuration example

        window._io_gallery_config = [
                gallery_id : 'unique_gallery_id',
                gallery_title : 'Gallery title',
                url: '',
                slides : [
                        img_src : 'src_of_the_slide_image1.jpg',
                        slide_position : 1,
                        img_src : 'src_of_the_slide_image2.jpg',
                        slide_position : 2,
                        img_src : 'src_of_the_slide_image3.jpg',
                        slide_position : 3,

    Sending metrics

    To send gallery photo view event you need to call API for gallery_photo_viewed event.

    Parameters for API call:

    Key Type Description
    event String gallery_photo_viewed
    gallery_id String The unique gallery id from window._io_gallery_config
    img_src String Image link for current slide from window._io_gallery_config array

    The API should be called on slide change. The gallery is meant to be completed when you called function for each of the img_src from window._io_gallery_config.

    After completing the setup, please contact you IO manager to ensure that you are getting the latest version of tracking code and everything configured well.

    Example of sending gallery_photo_viewed event

            gallery_id: 'unique_gallery_id',
            img_src: 'src_of_the_slide_image1.jpg'

    Homepage optimization

    CTR and A/B testing

    To track CTR and use Headline Testing on your website you would need to mark up sections, blocks, and headlines.

    Attribute name Description
    data-vr-zone Marks a block that contains blocks with articles
    data-vr-contentbox Marks a block with title/link/description of an article. Specifies a unique position of a block.
    data-vr-contentbox-url Specifies the canonical URL of an article inside a block marked with data-vr-contentbox.
    data-vr-headline Marks the headline inside data-vr-contentbox.

    Mark up example

    <div data-vr-zone="Header section">
        <!-- Default example -->
        <div data-vr-contentbox="With a hero image" data-vr-contentbox-url="">
            <h2 data-vr-headline>Article Title</h2>
            <a href="">Link</a>
        <!-- With a nested headline -->
        <div data-vr-contentbox="Second position" data-vr-contentbox-url="/page2.html">
            <a href="/page2.html">
                <h2 data-vr-headline>Article Title</h2>
        <!-- With everything nested in an anchor -->
        <a data-vr-contentbox="Position 3" data-vr-contentbox-url="/page3.html">
            <h2 data-vr-headline>Article Title</h2>


    You could get data from API by sending POST-requests. To get information on request limits, please contact IO support.

    Your endpoint:{hash}.

    Your secret key: {your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}.

    Key Type Description
    key String Your secret key
    entities Object An array of parameters you want to get could contain multiple number of entities to select
    options Object An array of parameters, which will be added for each entity-element from entities array can consist of such elements
    Option Type Description
    period Object A time frame to extract the data
    per_page Number Number of elements on one page (max 2500)
    offset Number Entity number (starts from 0)
    Entities Type
    articles Object
    sources Object
    summary Object
    categories Object
    authors Object
    Details Type Description
    author String Author of publication *
    facebook String Total number of this category articles shares on Facebook from 12 a.m. to the current time *
    page String Article's title *
    pageviews String Number of pageviews *
    reference_time String Time to read the article through *
    timeread_total String Total timeread *
    url String Article's canonical URL *
    recirculation String Percentage of users who proceeded to another website page
    readability String Percentage of users who scrolled an article to the end
    timeread String Average time users spend on article page
    type_article String Atricle types
    date_pub String Date of article publication
    category String Article's category
    sources String Article's sources
    social String Social actions
    domain String Domain
    trend String Trend compared to the same time 7 days ago **
    value String Total number of pageviews from 12 a.m. to the current time(on summary only) ***
    uniques String Total number of uniques from 12 a.m. to the current time (on categories only)
    count_pub String The total number of articles published by the author from 12 a.m. to the current time (on authors only)

    * - response by default for articles

    ** - response by default for categories and authors

    *** - response by default for summary

    Request body example: TOP-20 articles for today

        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "articles" : {
                "entity" : "articles",
                "details" : ["pageviews", "author", "category", "timeread", "social", "sources"]
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "today"
            "per_page" : 20

    Request body example: Categories data for a week

        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "categories" : {
                "entity" : "categories",
                "details" : ["title", "pageviews"]
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "week"

    Request body example: TOP-10 authors for today

        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "authors" : {
                "entity" : "authors",
                "details" : ["pageviews", "readability", "count_pub"]
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "today"
            "per_page" : 10

    Request body example: List of articles filtered by author

        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "articles" : {
                "entity" : "articles",
                "details" : ["pageviews", "author", "category", "timeread", "social", "sources"],
                "filters" : {
                    "author" : "author_id-value-from-authors-entity"
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "today"
            "per_page" : 20

    Request body example: List of articles filtered by category

        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "articles" : {
                "entity" : "articles",
                "details" : ["pageviews", "author", "category", "timeread", "social", "sources"],
                "filters" : {
                    "category" : "category_id-value-from-categories-entity"
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "today"
            "per_page" : 20

    Period option examples (one per line)

    {"period": {"name": "realtime"}}
    {"period": {"name": "now"}}
    {"period": {"name": "hour"}}
    {"period": {"name": "today"}}
    {"period": {"name": "week"}}
    {"period": {"name": "month"}}
    {"period": {"name": "range", "at_from": "2017-05-20", "at_to": "2017-05-25"}}
    {"period": {"name": "today", "at": "2017-07-01"}}

    Example in JavaScript: TOP-10 authors for today

    var io={ajax:function(e,n,t,r){var o=new XMLHttpRequest;||"POST",e,!0),o.onreadystatechange=function(){4==o.readyState&&200!=o.status&&t&&t(null),4==o.readyState&&200==o.status&&t&&t(o.responseText?JSON.parse(o.responseText):null)},o.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),o.send(n?io.query(n):null)},urlencode:function(e){return e=(e+"").toString(),encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/!/g,"%21").replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/\(/g,"%28").replace(/\)/g,"%29").replace(/\*/g,"%2A").replace(/%20/g,"+")},query:function(e,n,t){var r,o,u=[],a=this,c=function(e,n,t){var r,o=[];if(!0===n?n="1":!1===n&&(n="0"),null!==n&&"object"==typeof n){for(r in n)null!==n[r]&&o.push(c(e+"["+r+"]",n[r],t));return o.join(t)}return"function"!=typeof n?a.urlencode(e)+"="+a.urlencode(n):"function"==typeof n?"":void 0};t||(t="&");for(o in e)r=e[o],n&&!isNaN(o)&&(o=String(n)+o),u.push(c(o,r,t));return u.join(t)}};
    var params = {
        "key" : "{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}",
        "entities" : {
            "authors" : {
                "entity" : "authors",
                "details" : ["pageviews", "readability", "count_pub"]
        "options" : {
            "period" : {
                "name" : "today"
            "per_page" : 10
    io.ajax("{hash}", params, function (r) {

    Example in PHP: TOP-10 authors for today

    $params = [
        'key' => '{your secret key is visible only to logged-in users}',
        'entities' => [
            'authors' => [
                'entity' => 'authors',
                'details' => ['pageviews', 'readability', 'count_pub']
        'options' => [
            'period' => [
                'name' => 'today'
            'per_page' => 10
    $url = '{hash}';
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    print_r(json_decode($response, true));


    Application tracking

    Sending data is as simple as sending simple HTTPS GET requests.

    String pageviews is an example of a metric, strings page and category are slices.

    All values in slices should be URL-encoded and be in UTF-8 encoding.

    Metrics Description

    Name Event
    pageviews User opens an article
    read_top A user has scrolled an article to the 25%
    read_middle A user has scrolled an article to the 50%
    read_bottom A user has scrolled an article to the 75%
    read_finished A user has scrolled an article to the bottom
    time It's been 10 seconds after a user opened the article or previous time metric was sent

    Slices Description

    Name Status Description
    domain required hostname of a page's URL
    url required pathname of a page's URL
    pr required pathname of a previous page's URL
    page required Title of a page
    category optional Category of an article
    sub_category optional Subcategory of an article
    tag optional Tag of an article
    type_article optional Type of an article
    author required* Author of an article. * only for articles
    platform required Platform of an app
    referrer required Referrer domain without TLD
    user_id optional Randomized identifier that's issued to a user/device for 12 months. New sessions for the same user reset the duration
    session_id optional Randomized session identifier. Expires after 30 minutes of inactivity
    user_status optional User's status
    country optional User's country
    city optional User's city
    device optional Type of user's device from which a specific article was viewedy

    Example of sending pageviews metric[]={app_id}:pageviews[,url:/article,pr:/article_previous,page:Cows%20introduce%20new%20Milk-themed%20uniforms,category:Sportsub_category:Basketball,type_article:Longread,author:John%20Doe,platform:iOS,referrer:app]&s=a63fa7bd0cb420398c55518ee76b0a3f
    #     ?k[]={app_id}:
    #         pageviews[
    #   ,
    #             url:/article,
    #             pr:/article_previous,
    #             page:Cows%20introduce%20new%20Milk-themed%20uniforms,
    #             category:Sport,
    #             sub_category:Basketball,
    #             type_article:Longread,
    #             author:John%20Doe,
    #             platform:iOS,
    #             referrer:app,
    #             user_id:e1618d113.9322add28_1615908872955,
    #             session_id:cd6191734.0d0e2dcb6_1616511533300
    #         ]
    #     &s=a63fa7bd0cb420398c55518ee76b0a3f

    Track authors using IDs

    To track authors of articles using IDs instead of names, please contact your .io manager and provide them a link to a document that will be used for name matching. JSON document should follow the structure from the example, hosted on your end and be openly accessible.

    Example of

            "1": "John Doe"
            "2": "Peter Parker"

    Browser API

    You could use Browser API to send custom events into IO. To enable it, you need to have an additional script tag before the one that loads code from

    • The value of window.ioObject host property could be customized in case is already in use by some other library.
    • window[window.ioObject] object would be updated once main library code loaded.

    After completing the setup, please contact you IO manager to ensure that you are getting the latest version of tracking code and everything configured well.

    To enable Browser API

    <!-- Additional script tag to enable API, added before the main CDN code -->
    <!-- An existing script tag used for general tracking -->
    <script async src="{id}"></script>

    Sending events

    The function accepts one argument - an object with the following schema:

    Property name Value description
    event Name of the desired metric. Default supported values: pageviews.
    config_page_url URL that is displayed in a browser window. Including URL parameters. The same one you use in page_url property of window._io_config object.

    By default, IO tracks page views with each pathname change (using AJAX or otherwise). If you would like to disable that functionality and track all page views by yourself, please contact your IO manager.

    Example of sending pageviews event

        event: 'pageviews',
        config_page_url: ''